Constantin Botezat


Artistul basarabean Constantin Botezat , fost student al Universității de Artă și Design din Cluj-

Napoca. Pe parcursul anilor 2019-2020 și-a desfășurat activitățile artistice în Londra, unde a ajuns

prin intermediul programului Erasmus. Tânărul și-a expus lucrările în cadrul mai multor instituții,

astfel organizând 12 expoziții de artă.

Acestea fiind următoarele : ”Gala MAD-Aid 2019 – Masquerade”, “Tablouri cu Suflet/ Painting with

soul” Talent Festival, Victoria Hotel Plaza,”Carols and Donate” AMMB, Adryan’s, “Transylvania”

Husk Creative Space, “Spirit of the Bessarabian Landscape” The European Bank, “Fossey’s

Project“ Liberte Concept Gallery, “Open Art Exhibition I” Capital Art Gallery, “Venice & London”

Capital Art Gallery, “Boundaries & Beyond Part II” Espacio Gallery, “Boundaries & Beyond Part I”

Espacio Gallery, “Roots&Rifts” Espacio Gallery, “Muse” Espacio Gallery.

Fiecare dintre expozițiile lui Constantin sunt strâns de legate de evenimente de caritate,

promovarea culturii Românești și a Republicii Moldova, dezvoltarea spiritului de echipa dintre

artiștii internaționali și susținerea comunității creative. Majoritatea lucrărilor expuse de către

Constantin reprezintă locuri pitorești din Republica Moldova și România. De asemenea, artistul șia

expus lucrările în creion și picturile în ulei.

Marea Britanie este ce-a de a șasea tară în care pictorul de 25 de ani își dasfășoară activitățile

artistice. Constantin susține că din cauza pandemiei proiectele sale din Asia au fost anulate, dar

neaparat tânărul artist va revenii la ele pe parcursul anului următor.

Mai multe informții despre expozițiile din Regatul Unit:

“Gala MAD-Aid 2019 – Masquerade”, London (U.K).

This event took place on January 25th 2020 and it was organised by MAD, a charity

organisation which stand for a world where children and adults with special needs have

access to the same opportunities as others to fulfil their life’s ambitions, a world where we

can all live safely with dignity, respect, and quality care.

The program( Medical Aid Delivery) facilitates the transfer of high-quality equipment no

longer needed by British hospitals (NHS) to hospitals in dire need of improvement. At the

same time, it helps the UK hospitals save the cost of storage or disposal of equipment they

no longer need. They went on to establish and operate a UK-standard modern day care

and early intervention and rehabilitation centre for children and teenagers with special


The founder and CEO of MAD-Aid is Victoria Dunford, Awarded Civic Medal in 2015 by the

president of Republic of Moldova. Awarded British Empire Medal in the Queen’s 2017 New

Year Honor list for services to children with special needs in northern Moldova. And she’s

as well the Author of Get MAD! The Life and Times of a Madwoman. Victoria Dunford

organized a charity art exhibition at this event where she invited Mr. Constantin Botezat to

participate with his art works. This event had a great success and it reunited very

respected and successful people from the United Kingdom.

“Tablouri cu Suflet/ Paintings with soul” Talent Festival, Victoria Hotel Plaza,

London (U.K.)

This exhibition took place on December 21st, at Victoria Park Plaza Hotel, in London and

it was organized by Mr. Constantin Botezat at The Festival of Talents of the Moldovan

Diaspora. It was a charity art exhibition where Mr.Constantin with other artists managed

to raise founds and join the campaign LIFE FOR ROBERT.

This was the first Festival that unifies the entire Moldovan diaspora from the United

Kingdom. Being organized by UncageX– an international community of Moldovan

entrepreneurs representing a movement towards self-development, transformation and

exploration – with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the United

Kingdom, this festival aims to promote the image of Moldova and to strengthen the love

of its people for their roots.

Another goal of the festival is to present and promote the organizations of the Moldovan

Diaspora in UK, as well as the services and products created and delivered by Moldovan

citizens who are settled in the United Kingdom.

The Festival of Talents of the Moldovan Diaspora, just as its name suggests, had guests

talented people from Moldova who are already beloved by the public or are just newly

introduced to it.

This exhibition was a great success with an audience of 500 people at the opening night.

“Carols and Donate” AMMB, Adryan’s, London (U.K).

This exhibition took place on December 15th at the Adryan’s in London, United Kingdom.

This charity event was organized by Victoria Dunford where she collaborated with

Constantin Botezat again for a great cause, to help those in needs and to give them more

opportunities. Among the guests were the Ambassador of Republic of Moldova from the

United Kingdom and many other respected people.

“Transylvania” Husk Creative Space, London (U.K.)

This exhibition was part of the Continuum program of the HUSK. Continuum is a 6 month

artists’ residency program here at Husk. Where each artist is encouraged to participate in

critiques, art trips, group events and collaborative work during their time there culminating

in a four-week solo show in the gallery space. Husk aim to build a culture that celebrates

art in all its forms, creating relationships with the artists that last beyond their time of

residency with us. I had the chance to present a series of works which represented

different place from Transylvania. The technique of the works were pencil on paper. This

exhibition was appreciated by the entire community of Husk and had over 2 thousands

viewers during that period.

“Spirit of the Bessarabian Landscape” The European Bank, London (U.K).

On Thursday, November 8, at the European Bank in London, the personal exhibition of

Constantin “Spirit of the Bessarabian Landscape”, opened. This exhibition is part of an

event organized by the cultural program of the EBRD and the Embassy of the Republic of

Moldova in the United Kingdom. During the evening, three short films were presented to

the public: “Ana” directed by Natalia Saufert, “Evadarea” directed by Nicolae Negara and

“Chers Amis” directed by Valeriu Andriuta which represent various problems of our

societies. Following the short footage, a brief discussion and a series of questions with

the three film directors came up.

During the event he presented a series of works that represent the traditions and culture

of the Romanian people, the purpose of which was to make the image of the Republic of

Moldova known to the British public. This exhibition is therefore an important event for

the development and artistic career of the young painter. This event is the fourth

exhibition organized by myself in the United Kingdom.

“The event took place thanks to the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in the United

Kingdom and to the whole team to which I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. This

exhibition is an important step in my career and that will give me a huge motivation to

continue to carry out more international projects! ” Said Botezat.

This exhibition had a great success with over 500 viewers at the opening night, among

the guests were the Ambassadors of Romania and Republic of Moldova from the United


“Roots & Rifts” Espacio Gallery, London (U.K).

Constantin participated in the exhibition “Roots and Rifts”, opened at the Espacio Gallery

in London. The art show brings together a groups of national and international artists, the

works of the exhibition mirroring the exploration of a wide range of observations and

experiences based on foreignness and identity, as well as memories, impressions that

each artist has acquired during his journey through life. At the same time, the exhibition

represented an important event in his career this being the fifth exhibition of the artist in

the United Kingdom. Among the guests of the event were the successful actress from

Hollywood, Bessarabian Silvia Busuioc and the British actor Cengiz Dervis. Please find

their support letters attached.

The event took place thanks to curator Ana Cockerill and the entire team at Espacio

Gallery, who are extremely grateful for this opportunity. This exhibition represents an

important step in my career and that will give me a huge motivation to continue to carry

out several international projects.

This exhibition had over 300 viewers at the opening night.

“Muse” Espacio Gallery, London ( U.K. )

On Thursday, June 21, Constantin Botezat presented my work at Espacio Gallery,

London, in the exhibition “Muse”. The exhibition presents a wide range of works by a

select group of artists, this event being in fact the first exhibition of the Bessarabian artist

in the United Kingdom. The event was curated by Carlos de Lins and is therefore an

important event for the development and artistic career of the young painter. Most of the

works and exhibitions organized by the young man represent his contribution in

perpetuating the cultural traditions of his nation.

“Venice & London” Capital Art Gallery, London (U.K.)

Title of the Exhibition: “Venice & London”

Date: August 10th-12th 2019

About the gallery: Capital Art Gallery was opened in April 2015. The Basis of the Gallery is

for the artists (both professional as well as up and coming) to be able to display their work

to the public. Every style and medium of art is accepted, as we like the visitors to have

the choice of variety. The Gallery holds up to 500 various pieces of Art, and no piece of

Art is displayed for a period of longer than 4 weeks, as we feel the regular visitors need to

find something refreshing on each occasion.

At Capital Art Gallery, you will find, Watercolours, Acrylic, Pastels, Oils, Glassware,

Pottery, Hand made Jewelry, amongst many other mediums.

We have work displayed from local artists, alongside Top European Artists from Germany,

Russia, Lithuania, and Hungary. Our aim is to make sure that the Gallery remains diverse

in aspects of Art and its creators.

“Fossey’s Project“ Liberte Concept Gallery, London ( U.K.).

On September 13th at the Liberte Concept Gallery in London Constantin opened to the

public his personal exhibition “Fossey’s Project”. This exhibition aimed to support the

projects created by the Ellen Fund. And the money collected from the sales of the works

was donated to this beautiful initiative.

The Ellen Fund supports global conservation efforts for endangered Founded in 2018 by

Portia de Rossi as a gift to Ellen DeGeneres, our immediate focus is to secure a future for

wild mountain gorillas by building The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund a permanent home.

And while it happens to be Ellen’s name on the Fund, one person alone can’t do this

without the help, support, funding and love of a large community. The Ellen Fund is and

always will be a team effort. It’s a forum for people around the globe to be able to join

Ellen on this journey, an invitation for people to get engaged and walk with us to help our

planet. It is, in fact, the only way that we can save these animals… with our help.