Dear President,
Honorable Donald Trump!
I’ve been locked up in my house for a few days now, in Petach Tikva, Israel (I don’t know if you have any relatives here). I can tell you exactly how many tiles I have in my living room, or how long it takes to go around the terrace a hundred times. I know exactly how many times I have to walk along the living room to cover the distance to the Moon and back. By the way, I hope this CoronaVirus plague ends sooner…
Since I’d like to inform you about what happens around us, Your Honor, I must just tell you, that almost all citizens who support the existence of the state of Israel (outside politics) are locked up in houses, or working in priority jobs for the state. I used the sentence “who support the existence” not to confuse you, Mr. President (God forbid!). Because, there are in this Holy Land inhabitants who have sat here in the hope that the Messiah is coming. They do not accept the existence of the State of Israel, they do not stay closed in their houses. In their belief they have a special contract with the one above (the God) to defend them. They seem to believe that Messiah is already shipped to them, he is coming to Earth… Their laws are their rabbis…
I’m afraid it’s going to come to us a situation that every time someone sees a religious guy with a turban on their head, they’re quickly going to pass to other sidewalk. I honestly don’t know if we have enough sidewalks for that… I don’t want to complicate your day, Honored President, with the problems of a small and relatively simple country, such as Israel now, that you too have so much on your mind…
By the way, Mr. President, I am a simple Romanian Jew, living in Israel as a citizen, who follows all the laws of the country. There’s something else I’d like you to know: I respect you very much! I respect you very much for the fact, Your Honor, that you and Pope Francis are among the few famous Christians who have forgiven me, for the fact that Jesus was Jewish. You two sincerely are on the side of the Jews and the state of Israel. That’s the reason (a little selfish) why I admire and respect you both. But also for your courage and the different, original, singular ways in which you attack any political, economical, social issue, etc…
Mr. President, I have admired America forever. Most of the heroes of my youth were Americans. You run a huge country, truly the greatest power in the world. I have a friend in Boston. Frankly, Mr. President, he doesn’t need now $1,200, which you’d like to share. Not even that number of enormous zeros that the American economy will get from you. No, Mr. President, the whole world doesn’t expect that. It was America, that between 1942 and 1945 made so many airplanes as the whole Axis together with England and Russia. And that was why? Out of patriotism, Mr. President. A simple, popular patriotism, that only America, at that time, could have shown to the world…
Mr. President, for the sake of my friend in Boston, but perhaps also for the sake of the whole world, order “stop running for money and power for the next six months, just for the next 6 months.” Order the CEOs of Tesla, Lockheed and Boeing to make only breathing apparatus. And Baldwin, Calvin Klein… other American giants to make protective masks. It won’t be easy, many of them are manufacturing everything in China. Yes, but until a few years ago everything was made in America… And you make America great again… Order IBM, HP, Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook to work over the next 6 months to find out the potential Profile of a Sick CoronaVirs Person… in order to prevent the emergencies… to save ONE HUMAN LIFE.
Please order Mr. President that the world’s largest drug factories, most Nobel laureates, the world’s famous laboratories, to fight only to defeat the virus… Hospitals will have to stay open 24/7 to serve the public even if they will lose a lot of money in these six months… Doctors must help the sicks, keeping their oath of Hippocrates… Mr. President, don’t give them a dime (a dime!) no one wants money, Mr. President.
Just stop “the hunger for glory of money, of power”, stop “the cruel capitalism for 6 months”’… In 1942, General Patton prepared his troops for landing. He was asked why he have chosen the New York division, those little, skinny guys with glasses… Patton said “I need heroes who were going at least twice a day on the New York subway”.
You, Mr. President, have all these, this people, these companies, this enormous power…
They are the real American heroes.
They are the pride of America, of mine, of the world.
They and only they can save your economy, they can save the world today.
No, it’s definitely not just CoronaVirus…
More plagues will be. Mankind already knows that if there was one…
Bats are many in the world, as you well know, Mr. President, snakes, too… and with the hunger of this Chinese in the fish market is hard to play. There are over a billion hungry Chinese, sir.
Show the world, Mr. President, that America still has the solution the only solution, IT IS THE SOLUTION for the whole WORLD! When the world, we want or we don’t want tries to become global, you, Mr. President of the World, show us that you, a small oasis of lucidity and balance, is strictly necessary… I beg you on that, Mister President, from the bottom of my heart…
Petach Tikva, Israel
March, 30 2020