
claudiu_MiuMy brother, Claudiu Miu is a Romanian and Balkan climbing champion. Claudiu is an anomaly of sorts
when you meet him since he is fairly quite, reserved, kind, and borderline very shy. You would never know he is a very good climber because he doesn’t talk about it much, (like most do) and because of these traits you would never believe the strength or determination he exudes while on the mountain tackling tough climbs and overhangs. His passion for climbing took him all over the world. By age 28 he climbed: ” Freaks of the Industry”, a famed bouldering route in Rocky Mountains National Park, CO rated grade 8B (the grades are from 4 to 8C+). He continued to climb in England, Bulgaria, the famous Indian Creek area in Utah (crack climbing), Ti-Cino in Switzerland, Glenmore Lodge in Scotland (famed for mixed rock and ice climbing), and the Matterhorn in the Alps. At the 2009 & 2010 World Cup Bouldering competition in Munchen, Claudiu ranked the highest performance ever as a Romanian competitor. For many years, Claudiu worked as a climbing coach In Bucharest, Romania, sharing his passion with young people and children in particular. Because of his skills, passion and continuous accomplishments in climbing competition he was hired by the climbing gym owner to manage and facilitate the climbing gym he trained at. This only furthered his joy for climbing and now he could professionally work in environment he was passionate about as well.
His dreams were coming true.
About this time, Claudiu started having problems with his joints in his hands. He continued to climb at a slower pace yet deterioration and pain continued at a very alarming pace. Because of the extreme discomfort he went to the doctors again only to be sadly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and, after years of research, with the controversial Lyme disease. Doctors in both Romania and England have confirmed that Claudiu has a fast progressing case of severe, chronic rheumatoid arthritis. However, the additional complication of Lyme disease has presented many, many challenges on types and avenues of treatment. And the doctors continue to face the ongoing challenge of how the Lyme disease is affecting the rheumatoid arthritis and attacking the body at such a rapid rate.
Less than 3 years ago years ago, he used to be tougher than the rocks he climbed with artistry. Now he now longer climbs. His daily challenges are the simplest ones most of us take most for granted: getting out of bed, walking down a flight of stairs, preparing lunch or getting up from a chair. His Lyme disease and chronic rheumatoid arthritis are such severe diseases actively crippling his entire body at an alarming rate. It was confirmed by blood test results and the doctors’ estimation of the current deterioration in his joints happen over a 20 year span, and not in less than 3 years.
Unfortunately, Claudiu had to give up his passions so he could fight for his life. He has tried several treatments for Lyme disease without much success. Since Romania is a post communist country, it is still struggling to provide efficient specialized medical care. To complicate it a bit, Lyme disease is very controversial worldwide due to the complexity of the multiple strains of bacteria and how it mutates very intelligently when attacked with antibiotics. Doctors also find it difficult to pinpoint Lyme as the real cause of the severe rheumatoid arthritis in Claudiu’s case and each hypothesis have to be eliminated through trial and error that takes time.
For 3 years Claudiu fought with side effects of medications and continuous visible erosion. His entire body is affected, joints, bones. His hands are visibly swollen around each knuckle. Any movement creates pain yet he does not see pain as the real problem nor does he complain: “pain is not the issue here. I became so accustomed to pain, he said. “What is unbearable for me physically and emotionally is feeling and knowing that every joint in my body is deteriorating almost out of control”. ” Climbing used to be his life, now he is fighting for his life”- Anca, Clau’s girlfriend
His older brother, Andrei, moved by Claudiu’s determination to get better, successfully designed a large plastic looking sleeping bag technically called a hyperbaric chamber. “It creates the same sensation in your body like scuba diving, yet cheaper”. The main goal of the chamber is to create high pressure and produce more red blood cells in hopes that the antibiotics work more effectively thus slowing down the joint  destruction. Claudiu describes his struggle as a fight against time. The real dilemma is which sickness is more destructive and which to treat first since medication for both diseases could be counteracting one another.
Family members have joined the fight to find a cure and in the meantime care for Claudiu’s daily needs. Some have invested much time preparing him special meals and juices that are solely raw and organic. While others have invested time in contacting clinics and doctors worldwide that both deal with both diseases. Yet one brother remains optimistic “we don’t know why this is happening to Claudiu Yet, I am convinced that suffering and pain gets the best of us not because we have done something wrong but because it is meant to make the rest of us, the superficial and selfconsumed more kind, more compassionate and appreciative of life’s struggles and miracles”.
Currently, Claudiu has tried several treatments with unsuccessful results. He is now on a waitlist for a specialized Lyme clinic in Germany but the wait is long and costly. We have set up a bank account for financial support- Help Clau Climb Again Fund.
We humbly ask friends, family members and fellow climbers to contribute. A treatment for this complex and advanced disease will be an estimated $15,000 for the first initial round of treatment.
In the meantime he will begin a more aggressive rheumatoid treatment. He faces challenges but we know that together we can hold up the rope so he can reach the next summit.
Thank you for partaking in Claudiu’s struggles!
Family Miu


Please make checks payable to: Teodor Miu 727 Clermont St. Denver CO 80220

” The real dilemma is which sickness is more destructive and which to treat first ”
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