PublishAmerica Presents “Happiness in Our Daily Lives” by Gabriel Gherasim


Frederick, MD April 8, 2009. PublishAmerica is proud to present Happiness in Our Daily Lives by Gabriel Gherasim of Long Island City, New York.
Gabriel Gherasim’s Happiness in Our Daily Lives is a book that shows that happiness is a choice. All the examples the author is giving are excellent. In addition, the author’s personal story of overcoming ordeals stirs the emotions and inspires hope.
This is an insightful and educational book. The author has created a valuable document that will inspire, teach, encourage and uplift the reader. In today’s cynical culture, it is refreshing to hear someone speak the truth about the fundamentals of happiness. The author has skillfully combined his education and experience and enhanced them with his delightful personality. He has accomplished something in his writing that is rare and that is the ability to combine teaching with storytelling. His opinions are well supported with technical information from songwriters and thinkers to health issues and spiritual concepts. The author has done a great job of truly making the reader feel that their own personal happiness is something that can be achieved, but is also their responsibility and choice regardless of the situation. PublishAmerica is the home of 35,000 talen­ted authors. PublishAmerica is a traditional publishing company whose primary goal is to encourage and promote the works of new, previously undisco­vered writers. You may contact the author at: