Romania nu are posibilitatile economice ale celor mai dezvoltate tari de pe planeta Pamant. Nu are nici tehnologia avansata care exista in Japonia. Romania are frumusetile ei, bogatiile ei, potentialul ei si locul ei in lume.  Ca jurnalist am vorbit cu ambasadori japonezi, cu oameni de afaceri, cu turisti (care erau oameni obisnuiti). Am apreciat intotdeauna cultura dumneavoastra. Ma simt dator astazi sa trimit spre Japonia un semnal de

solidaritate ca roman,  ca jurnalist, ca om. Sunt convins ca multi romani gandesc ca mine si cred ca este foarte important sa stiti ca multi locuitori ai planetei gandesc ca noi: dragi prieteni din “Tara Soarelui rasare”, nu sunteti singuri !
Daca as putea, as scrie pe cerul planetei, intre tara mea si tara dumneavoastra, un singur cuvant: SOLIDARITATE.


Romania does not have the economic possibilities of the most developed countries on planet Earth. There is no technology that exists in Japan. Romania has its beauty, its riches, its potential and its place in the world. As journalist I talked to Japanese ambassadors, business people, tourists (who were common people). I have always appreciated your culture.
I feel indepted to Japan today to send a signal of solidarity as Romanian, as journalist, as human being. I am convinced that many Romanians (and many people of the planet ) think like me and I believe it’s important for you to know: Dear friends of “the Land of the Rising Sun”, you’re not alone ! If I could, I would write on the sky of the planet  between my country and your country a single word: solidarity.