Războiul din Iraq văzut de un soldat de origine română


* scurt interviu cu Mihai Pintilie, soldat în armata americană

GdeC: Which is the most memorable experience you have had since your departure to Iraq at the beginning of this year? Mihai Pintilie: I really would say that the whole thing was very memorable but the primary one was the night we got ambushed and we got into a firefight. We were moving up highway 80 towards Bagdad when we started getting shot at with RPGS and AK47’s. I clearly remember our 25MM rounds flying through the night and out at our enemies. I also remember not showering for 50 days and getting 3 hours of sleep a night.
GdeC: How is life as a soldier in Iraq? M.P.: Life as a Marine in Iraq was very uncomfortable and hard. Hunger, fatigue, thirst, merciless heat, heavy sweating, boredom, depression, anger, were a part of our daily lives over there. But its amazing what you can adjust to.
GdeC: What do you think about the US attempts to restablish the peace in Middle East? M.P.: In my opinion, Bush did a good thing. With the U.S. over there trying to get a hold in the middle east is going to be opening some doors in the future. I can’t say yet, but something good will come out of it. However, Bush needs to stop threa­tening other countries and concentrate on Iraq.
GdeC: Is Iraq ready to be left alone and carry on with their life with no support and why? M.P.: Iraq is by no means ready to be left alone. The country is war torn and in shambles and it will take time to rebuild it. Iraq needs to start building their own military forces and police forces to help out the U.S.