SINAIA13SINAIA, one of the most beautiful mountain resorts of Romania, presents itself to the visitor with a past rich in cultural and social events. Former Royal Summer Residence and bearing a holy name – the name of Mount Sinai – a name that was given for the first time to the homonymous monastery by Prince Mihail Cantacuzino (XVII Century), Sinaia combines in a unique way the beauty of nature with the beauty of the architectural art. The resort is situated at an altitude of 798 meters to 1055 meters, on the southeastern slope of Bucegi Mountains, along Prahova River bed.

The forested feet of Furnica, Zgarbura, Coltii lui Barbes and Culmea Izvorului Mountains, surround the resort in beautiful green scenery.
Located at a distance of 123 kilometers from Bucharest, 106 kilometers from Henri Coanda International Airport and at 37 kilometers from Brasov, Sinaia stretches along National Road No. 1, having also a railway acces.
Sinaia is the place of dreamed holidays that come true.
The first rock in the foundation of the castle that will become the symbol of Sinaia town was set on the very day of 22nd of August 1875. Having an architecture perfectly adapted to the surrounding landscape, the castle raises its towers-which seem to be embraced by the wood and stone decorations – in a dominant way, over Peles River Valley.
SINAIA10Worthy of mention is the fact that Peles Castle was the first castle in Europe to be entirely illuminated using electricity. Each one of the more than 170 rooms is a delight for the visitor, the carved wooden pieces and the live colors of the stained glass windows, overwhelming anyone through their beauty.
The Castle shelters one of the most valuable paintings collections in Europe (more than 2000 pieces), libraries, various halls, halls dedicated to all types of arms etc. in the Castle’s garden, the monochrome sculptures come into a contrast with the color richness of the flowers, in the most accurate Renaissance style.
Keeping the distinct style, Pelisor Castle comes to supplement the feeling of timeless that dominates Peles River Valley.
This true “Bucegi Mountains Cathedral”, is dated from the end of the XVII century, being actually the very first building from the area covered by the nowadays resort.

Established by Prince Mihail Cantacuzino at his return from a pilgrimage at the Holy Mountain of Sinai, the monument will receive the same name, changed in Romanian language, becoming Sinaia Monastery.
Several times burnt and destroyed during its history, but every time being reborn out of its ashes, the monastery represents today a true Romanian art and spirituality museum. Its architecture Brancoveanu style and its original painting, make out of this orthodox monument an ideal place for the observation of the old Romanian culture.
Sinaia Monastery is the shell under whose coat-of arms “The Pearl of the Carpathians” Sinaia’s nickname – has been polished.
SINAIA12In George Enescu’s brilliant destiny, Sinaia town had a special significance. The Maestro has lived here for 20 years, his villa being a place for inspiration in his masterpiece creation, as well as a place for recreation. Few know that here, in his villa, Enescu had the Great musician Yehudi Menuhin as an apprentice.
The Dimitrie Ghica Park was established in 1881, sheltering several century-old trees. The alleys that go back and forth on its big surface are decorated with statues representing busts of several personalities that have lived in or that have only visited Sinaia town. Inside the park, on a scene, in front of Caraiman hotel, are held every year the Sinaia City Festivals.
Bucegi Mountains Natural Reservation Museum – The museum, a brach of the Prahova County Natural Sciences Museum from Ploiesti, is located in Dimitrie Ghica Park, and preserves samples of Bucegi Mountains- flora and fauna, rare and protected species, endangered species, as well as samples that are to be found only in Bucegi Mountains.
SINAIA14Saint Anna Cliff – At the base of the cliff, there is a small meadow. The rocky wall formerly sheltered icons, whose traces are still preserved today. The small cave existing there has been a hermit’s shelter. The rock is located at the crossroads between the road that leads to Cota 1400 and the car road that leads to Poiana Stanii chalet.
Franz Ioseph Gorges – Located near Poiana Stanii chalet, these rock formations were fitted out during the Royal Family period, stairs and parapets being built for an easier access.
On top of them, on the terrace, one could admire a large segment of the Prahova River Valley.
Sinaia Train Station and the Royal Train Station – On the Sinaia train station platform there is a memorial plate set for the memory of Romanian Prime Minister I.Gh.Duca, assassinated by the legionnaires in 1933, right in that place.
The second station, situated a few tenths of meters away, and has been reserved only for the Royal Family and later on, for foreign leaders visiting the city.
Prahova Valley area can be admired in numerous ways, Sinaia, being the ideal place where active peoples but not only them can spend unforgettable moments. Here one can successufully experience the active holiday concept.
SINAIA4Should the visitor desire the rapid coverage of a vast area, he could mountain-biking. Specially designed modern bikes, provided with all the safety equipment, can be rented from Sinaia.
There are also tours organized on mountain-bikes, lead by professional guides.
In wintertime, Sinaia transforms itself into skiers’ paradise. On the especially designed trails and slopes, one can practice fun descents, alpine skiing, random skiing, snowboarding, longleaf, extreme skiing. Some of the town’s streets are organized for sledge descents, for the delight of children.
For those of you that are now trying for the first time to experience the unique sensations of skiing, local ski-schools will provide all the necessary equipment as well as well-trained teachers.
Sinaia has also a bob-sleigh track with 13 turnings, – the only one in this part of Europe that uses only natural ice on it – where contests are held and fun descents can be organized under specialists’ supervision.
For those that prefer hiking trails, Sinaia town surroundings offer multiple mountain trails, with varied difficulty degrees. From the easiest ones – suitable for land cure, to the most difficult ones, for experienced climbers – all of them will take the traveler through extremely picturesque places. Tours can be organized, using local experienced mountain guides.
Amateurs of football, basketball, and tennis will find in Sinaia football grounds, basketball and tennis courts, various sports grounds with all the necessary facilities for successfully practicing these sports and many others. There is also in the nearby vicinity a golf court equipped at international standards. The billiard clubs from Sinaia stand as a warrant that time spent inside will ensure the maximum fun and quality for you and your friends.
For those of you that are bold and courageous maybe more than others – Sinaia is ready to offer adventure and adrenaline up in the skies. Hot air balloon and para-gliders will turn into life the dreams of the bold tourists one of the most beautiful dreams of mankind flight.
When weather is bad, a visit at the swimming pool and at the fitness hall will make you forget about the weather and it will also help keep yourself in a fit condition.
Rigurosity, attention, and skill … qualities that you will test yourself in a special adventure: paintball contests.
SINAIA7The climate: The climate is a typical one, characteristic to low altitude mountain passage Annual average temperature: +8 grade Celsius; average temperature in June: + 15 grade Celsius; average temperature in January: -4 grade Celsius.Summers are bracing and, in the first part of the season, very rainy. Winters are relatively mild, with heavy snow. Average annual rainfall in 900 mm, having a maximum registered in June (173 mm).
Minimum of rainfall and nebulosity could be remarked in September (55 mm) and February (40 mm). The snow layer installs itself homogeneously starting usually from November and it melts in a period of time comprised in the interval March-April, sometimes at the beginning of May.
The thickness of the snow layer varies between 20 centimeters and 3 meters in upper altitude areas.
Summers are bracing and, in the first part of the season, very rainy. Winters are relatively mild, with heavy snow. Average annual rainfall in 900 mm, having a maximum registered in June (173 mm).
Minimum of rainfall and nebulosity could be remarked in September (55 mm) and February (40 mm). The snow layer installs itself homogeneously starting usually from November and it melts in a period of time comprised in the interval March-April, sometimes at the beginning of May.
The thickness of the snow layer varies between 20 centimeters and 3 meters in upper altitude areas.
During the last years, Sinaia has know the global climatic changes – changes that meant shorter summers, with temperatures that frequently went over 30 grade Celsius, a slight missing of springs and autumns, and with relatively longer winter (end of October – beginning of May) colder winters with entire weeks dominated by frost (-19 grade CElsius) and blizzards.
Natural care factors: Sinaia has a tonic and stimulating bio-climate, good for human organism, with a very clean air, rich in oxygen, ultraviolet radiations and negative ionization.
SINAIA8Nature preservation: On Sinaia town territory and on its surroundings there are restructions established regarding cutting down trees or picking up flora. No tree cut down is allowed. It is forbidden to pick up any alpine plants, being severely punished the gathering of the next plants: Mountain Peony (Rhododendron Kotski), The Peak Flower (Leontopodium, Alpinum), and the Yellow Gentiana (Gentiana Lutea).
Tourists’ camping is to be done only in authorized places, following the necessary and compulsory protection standards.
The mountainous area of Sinaia town is held in the Bucegi Natural Park patrimony, Bucegi Natural Park covering a total surface of 32.663 hectares, out of which 5.805 hectares are under strict protection, sheltering natural monuments. Bucegi Natural Preserve is includes all the abrupt areas of the next mountains: Varful cu Dor, Furnica and Piatra Arsa. Following the purpose of ensuring tourists’ protection, the mountainous area continuously patrolled by Mountain Rescue Patrols, as well as by members of the Mountain Police. On the territory of Sinaia, the basic principle of tourists’ behavior has to be one of avoiding leaving any traces of the visit, in the town or on mountain area.
At the entrace in Cumpatu district, one can find the botanical reservation “Sinaia alder-tree grove” placed under the Romanian Academy – the Bucharest Institute Protection. In the same district, there is also another research station for the ecology under the high patronage of UNESCO – J.Y. Cousteau, belonging to Bucharest University, which includes also a museum of Bucegi Mountains fauna, in a laboratory for nature protection.