Acasă Etichete Artist

Etichetă: artist

Preotul pasionat de muzica lui Elvis

Antoniu Petrescu, în artă Don Elvis, s-a născut în Bucureşti pe 15 septembrie 1972. Se consideră o persoană normală, provenită dintr-o familie modestă care...

Ziua României la New York

Sâmbătă, 7 mai, a avut loc în New York a 5-a ediţie a Festivalului Românesc pe Broadway. De la Battery Park la Fulton Street,...

Romanian artist sculptured George W. Bush

GDC: I am sitting here with Michail Constantine, born in Bucharest, Romania who is a very famous artist with many collectors in the United...

Lightness of Being with Ileana Barbu

Ileana Bar­bu, Romanian artist who lives in Boul­der, Colorado had an exhibition re­cently called Light­ness of Being. The exhibition featured both watercolors and icons....

Un român a descoperit pasta de mici artistică

Artistul clujean Cris­tian Rusu a brevetat o nouă modalitate de expresivitate artistică - una absolut savu­roasă, la propriu şi la fi­gurat. În timp ce...

The Art of Light

Nicolae Vasiu is the artist behind the design and creation of NV Art Creations, located in Denver, Colorado. He is indepen­dently responsible for the...

Romanian artists in Colorado

Horea Ignat took his first steps as a sculptor (wood-carver) in 1992 at "Ion Vlasiu"- High School in Târgu-Mures, Transylvania, Romania. During his school...