Etichetă: communism
Votul meu pentru preşedinte!
Duminică 22 noiembrie, 2009 a fost o zi, pe care o așteptam să fie mai emoționantă, pentru alegerea unui nou președinte al României! Febrilitatea...
Viitorul Roman Society in collaboration with The Consulate General of Romania at Los Angelesinvites you to join in the celebrations honoring the National Day...
Q&A with Sheilah Kast & Jim Rosapepe
Authors of Dracula Is Dead. How Romanians Survived Communism, Ended It, and Emerged since 1989 as the New Italy How is Romania doing now,...
Lightness of Being with Ileana Barbu
Ileana Barbu, Romanian artist who lives in Boulder, Colorado had an exhibition recently called Lightness of Being. The exhibition featured both watercolors and icons....
How I Came to Immigrate to America (IV)
Then I went to the seaside for a few days at the beach. While I was gone, a letter came from a Romanian family...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (I)
This is my personal story about the events leading to my immigration to America and what followed. The reason I am writing this is...
Gândindu-mă la tema acestei rubrici m-am trezit încercat de nişte halucinaţii foarte uşor asociabile cu teleenciclopedia. Sunt înconjurat de câtăva vreme de grupuri mari...