Etichetă: company
PublishAmerica Presents “Happiness in Our Daily Lives” by Gabriel Gherasim
Frederick, MD April 8, 2009. PublishAmerica is proud to present Happiness in Our Daily Lives by Gabriel Gherasim of Long Island City, New York....
Caritasurile americane: infracţiunile priamidale
Criza economică americană a fost provocată de lăcomia şi frica unora, alimentată de isteţimea în a face excrocherii a altora. Chiar dacă Bernard Madoff...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)
I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (X)
Then I found a position at a larger practice, with several doctors. Actually, there were 4 doctors and I was hired as a 4th...