Etichetă: courses
How I Came to Immigrate to America (XI)
During that time, I had continued to work a few evenings a week at the T-shirt store. In addition to going to clean up...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (VIII)
A teacher from a nearby school came out to talk to me when I was walking my dog. We started talking regularly when I...
Romanian artists in Colorado
Cornelia Davis s-a născut în localitatea Rucăr, judeţul Argeş. A lucrat ca Electrician 5 ani de zile, după care a urmat câteva cursuri de...
My School Years in Romania (XV)
In college the pressure was again on us to become members of the Communist Party. As usual, they asked the best students to join...
My School Years in Romania (XIV)
So, I had to find myself a job and jobs for highschool graduates were not too great. Luckily, my mother knew somebody who had...