Acasă Etichete Eastern

Etichetă: eastern

Q&A with Sheilah Kast & Jim Rosapepe

Authors of Dracula Is Dead. How Romanians Survived Communism, Ended It, and Emerged since 1989 as the New Italy How is Romania doing now,...

Evenimente culturale de excepție în această toamnă

Sezonul de toamnă al ICR New York a debutat cu o seară despre dansul contemporan din România, prezentată de Cosmin Manolescu şi dedicată memoriei...

An American’s Stereotype

I should start by saying that I come from the most American of cities: Detroit. It is here that the American Dream was...

Romania: moving forward

Many people argue that Romania, alongside other countries in its region, has changed, since 1989, its political, economical, social organization to an insignificant extent...