Acasă Etichete Event

Etichetă: event

America pe scurt

La o partidă de hochei, Servicul Secret vs FBIDupă ce s-au străduit din răsputeri să organizeze instalarea noului preşedinte, cu cât mai puţine incidente...

May 10th in Romanian History

May 10th has a triple meaning for the long history of the Romanian people. On this day in 1866, Carol Hohenzollern-Siegmaringen came to Romania...

Cetă]eni americani de origine romînă

Nadia Comaneci's prodigal performances at the 1976 Olympics still define gymnastics perfection for many, and her achievements continue to bring the Romanian heroine honors....

Festivalul românesc din Colorado

On July 26 the Romanian-American community in Colorado converged on Boul­der's Pearl Street Mall for the ninth annual Romanian Festival. The bright sun defied...

Romania: moving forward

Many people argue that Romania, alongside other countries in its region, has changed, since 1989, its political, economical, social organization to an insignificant extent...

My School Years in Romania (VI)

Third grade (getting First Prize) You became a pioneer in third grade if you had good grades. It was vaguely political, we had...

Romanian American Freedom Alliance

RAFA was founded in the summer of 1990 as an immediate result of the revolutionary upheaval in Romania in December 1989. Several dozen Romanians...

Traditie romaneasca in Colorado

Intr-o atmosfera de adevarata sarbatoare, la sfarsitul lunii iunie a acestui an s-a desfasurat pe strazile orasului Boulder (Colorado), cea de-a saptea editie a...