Etichetă: fact
Cultura americana pe scurt
Teatrul pentru copii si tineret GONG in Washington DC"Fata moşului şi fata babei" de Ion Creangă, in regia lui Dan Hândoreanu, s-a jucat la...
“Coada” de Dragoş Voicu
Apărut în anul 2009, roman premiat cu premiul pentru debut în proză al editurii Cartea Românească. Este un roman despre viaţa din comunism, văzută...
An American’s Stereotype
I should start by saying that I come from the most American of cities: Detroit. It is here that the American Dream was...
Be clear about Moldovan realities
Sir, Your reporters covering the Moldovan protests have unfortunately fallen prey to propaganda that misrepresents the cultural, political and historical realities in Moldova. ...
Romania: “An issue of greed”
Orice specialist în economie politică va spune că una dintre principalele imperfecţiuni ale sistemului de piaţă este corupţia: o serie de indivizi sau firme...
My School Years in Romania (V)
Second Grade Of course, there were uniforms. There were uniforms from pre-school on to the last year of highschool. They were not voluntary. They...
My School Years in Romania (II)
And there were no negligence lawsuits either. Nobody would ever dream of bringing a lawsuit against a school, a teacher, a colleague or the...
Constantza de metronom
"Hi guys, how are you? I'm ok, working hard, but I am saddened by the fact that my mother was diagnosed with a cancer...