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The Curse of the Dark Heart

by Kim Chamberlin and Ionela Tudor Book Review by Rachel GrahamAfter reading this book and researching about the origin of the story, I found...

“Coada” de Dragoş Voicu

Apărut în anul 2009, roman premiat cu premiul pentru debut în proză al editurii Cartea Românească. Este un roman despre viaţa din comunism, văzută...

The Evolution of Hospitality (I)

  Not only necessity, but sheer pleasure. Our ancestors, naturally, could not enjoy the blessings of hospitality. Perhaps that is why we...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIII)

Finally, in May 1986, I was granted permission to go there. My quick-tempered boss surprised me with the customary bridal shower. Between her and...

The Prophecy of the Stones By Flavia Bujor

Out of 4 stars, I would rate this book at a 2 ½. An interesting novel written by a thirteen year old that entwines...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (VI)

We had not told them about our dog. We simply thought that it would not be any problem. When they saw us, they were...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (II)

You could not find any seafood except perhaps, once in a while, some frozen variety from China or somewhere far. This happened while Romania...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (I)

This is my personal story about the events leading to my immigration to America and what followed. The reason I am writing this is...

My School Years in Romania (XVIII)

First Job After College That was in a small town about 70 miles away from Bucharest. I was to teach English to both primary...

“The Hooligan’s Return”: A Romanian Expatriate Visits Home

Exiles are always wondering if they might not be better off somewhere else, and Norman Manea (foto), the distinguished Romanian novelist, is no exception....