Etichetă: free
America pe scurt
Conferinţa Femeilor Române din America la AtlantaÎntre 26-28 iunie a acestui an, orasul Atlanta, Statul Georgia, USA va găzdui cea de a doua Conferinţă...
Orez gratuit pentru lumea a treia
Programul Mondial pentru Hrană al Naţiunilor Unite oferă tuturor, celor care au un computer şi aces la internet, şansa să îşi testeze cunoştintele de...
Lightness of Being with Ileana Barbu
Ileana Barbu, Romanian artist who lives in Boulder, Colorado had an exhibition recently called Lightness of Being. The exhibition featured both watercolors and icons....
How I Came to Immigrate to America (X)
Then I found a position at a larger practice, with several doctors. Actually, there were 4 doctors and I was hired as a 4th...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (IX)
Not being a quitter, I finished my course and got my degree. During that time, we had managed to save (great accomplishment) î800 towards...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (VI)
We had not told them about our dog. We simply thought that it would not be any problem. When they saw us, they were...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (V)
I mentioned that we didn't have any foreign currency when we had the search in our home. Now that we were stateless, and required...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (I)
This is my personal story about the events leading to my immigration to America and what followed. The reason I am writing this is...
Festivalul românesc din Colorado
On July 26 the Romanian-American community in Colorado converged on Boulder's Pearl Street Mall for the ninth annual Romanian Festival. The bright sun defied...
My School Years in Romania (XII)
I was a very good student although I did not study too much. Studying was just something that I had to do, not something...