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Q&A with Sheilah Kast & Jim Rosapepe
Authors of Dracula Is Dead. How Romanians Survived Communism, Ended It, and Emerged since 1989 as the New Italy How is Romania doing now,...
A Boy From Two Countries
Can you imagine how it feels to be a citizen of two countries at the same time? My name is Steven C. Davis and...
Romanian artist sculptured George W. Bush
GDC: I am sitting here with Michail Constantine, born in Bucharest, Romania who is a very famous artist with many collectors in the United...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (XI)
During that time, I had continued to work a few evenings a week at the T-shirt store. In addition to going to clean up...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (X)
Then I found a position at a larger practice, with several doctors. Actually, there were 4 doctors and I was hired as a 4th...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (IX)
Not being a quitter, I finished my course and got my degree. During that time, we had managed to save (great accomplishment) î800 towards...
Noutăţi de la RAFA
RAFA Fundraising Effort The 10th annual Romanian Festival organized by the Romanian-American Freedom Alliance (RAFA) is taking place on Saturday, July 10th, from...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (VII)
I also followed the job wanted ads in the newspaper. The same thing happened. Same refusal. Although my English was quite good, some people...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (VI)
We had not told them about our dog. We simply thought that it would not be any problem. When they saw us, they were...
How I Came to Immigrate to America (IV)
Then I went to the seaside for a few days at the beach. While I was gone, a letter came from a Romanian family...