Acasă Etichete Happened

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Votul meu pentru preşedinte!

Duminică 22 noiembrie, 2009 a fost o zi, pe care o așteptam să fie mai emoționantă, pentru alegerea unui nou președinte al României! Febrilitatea...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIV)

Finally, we went to Small Claims Court to obtain the deposit money back. We had left the car at the dealership although they said...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)

I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...

May 10th in Romanian History

May 10th has a triple meaning for the long history of the Romanian people. On this day in 1866, Carol Hohenzollern-Siegmaringen came to Romania...

A Fool’s Trap

Execuţia lui Ceauşescu după 14 ani "WE KNEW THE ENDING" Octavian Gheorghiu: We knew that we'd shoot the Ceausescus. We were clearly told...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (II)

You could not find any seafood except perhaps, once in a while, some frozen variety from China or somewhere far. This happened while Romania...

The Curse of Count Dracula

Tourists flock to Bran Castle, known locally as "Dracula's castle," though it has little to do with the 15th-century prince Vlad Tepes, who inspired...

My School Years in Romania (XIII)

College Shortly after, I applied for the admittance exam to the English department of the University. It was only one college that you applied...

My School Years in Romania (X)

After switching to the "human" branch, there was no more math for us. Instead, we had Latin. Our teacher was quite young, too, (a...