Acasă Etichete House

Etichetă: house

Recensământul din SUA începe în aprilie, 2010

În conformitate cu prevederile Constituţiei SUA, Oficiul Statelor Unite ale Americii pentru Recensământ (US Census Bureau) desfăşoara, la fiecare zece ani, un recensământ, operaţiune...

I grew up in the 1950s

Some American friends invited us to a "1950's Sock Hop" in the Denver area and tonight we joined them for a trip down memory...

Cel mai mare faliment bancar din acest an în America

Autorităţile federale americane au luat zilele trecute controlul asupra unei noi instituţii financiare: Colonial BancGroup Inc. Falimentul acestei bănci este cel mai mare din...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)

I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (V)

I mentioned that we didn't have any foreign currency when we had the search in our home. Now that we were stateless, and required...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (IV)

Then I went to the seaside for a few days at the beach. While I was gone, a letter came from a Romanian family...

The Curse of Count Dracula

Tourists flock to Bran Castle, known locally as "Dracula's castle," though it has little to do with the 15th-century prince Vlad Tepes, who inspired...

Bal românesc în Colorado

Sîmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2003. Boulder, Colorado. Un club house neîncăpător pentru cei aproximativ 100 de invitaţi sosiţi cu mic cu mare din diferite localităţi...

Constantza de metronom

"Hi guys, how are you? I'm ok, working hard, but I am saddened by the fact that my mother was diagnosed with a cancer...