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Discursul presedintelui Barack Obama la primirea premiului Nobel pentru Pace

Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery A Just and Lasting Peace, Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thursday, December...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (X)

Then I found a position at a larger practice, with several doctors. Actually, there were 4 doctors and I was hired as a 4th...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (I)

This is my personal story about the events leading to my immigration to America and what followed. The reason I am writing this is...

Local Romanians watch EU interest

Photos: Lucian Oprea In June, Poland voted to join the European Union. It signed a treaty that would bring it into the Union along...

My School Years in Romania (XIV)

So, I had to find myself a job and jobs for highschool graduates were not too great. Luckily, my mother knew somebody who had...

Driving through America (I)

The United States of America. The country of freedom, space and the extremes. Deserts and green rolling hills, mega cities and abandoned areas, thunderstorms...