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		<title>The Prophecy of the Stones By Flavia Bujor</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 17 Dec 2004 17:21:43 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.gandaculdecolorado.com/the-prophecy-of-the-stones-by-flavia-bujor/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Out of 4 stars, I would rate this book at a 2 ½. An interesting novel written by a thirteen year old that entwines realistic fiction of a young girl on her deathbed with her fantasy fiction dreams. The main story is that of Joa&#8217;s dreams which are self reflecting of her own life. Flavia [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Out of 4 stars, I would rate this book at a 2 ½. An interesting novel written by a thirteen year old that entwines realistic fiction of a young girl on her deathbed with her fantasy fiction dreams.  The main story is that of Joa&#8217;s dreams which are self reflecting of her own life.  Flavia has used all the typical elements of fantasy fiction including the lady in the lake, a prophecy, magical powers and places, enchanted swords and rings, and a fight with  evil.  Three girls, Jade, Opal and Amber, find out on their fourteenth birthday what a powerful role they each play in finding each other and helping to save the world.  They are united by stones that each girl possesses that lead them on their incre­dible journey.  The storyline is captivating, but the characters and setting are underdeveloped.  Flavia tries almost too hard to have strong word choice through similes, me­ta­phors, phrases and idioms, which takes away from the plaisir and jouissance of reading.  In time, she will mature and grow as a writer and I look forward to future books.</p>
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