Etichetă: simona
Ziua Naţională, sărbătorită cu emoţie în Phoenix, Arizona
Duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009, în Phoenix, Arizona, a avut loc în premieră un spectacol intitulat "Ziua României la Phoenix". La acestă sărbătoare au participat...
Proiectul România 2020: Ce putem face pentru România în următoarea decadă
Peste 60 de persoane din întreaga lume şi-au anuntat prezenţa la cea de-a doua conferinţă anuală GRSP Society (Organizaţia Mondială a tinerilor studenţi şi...
Succes al României la Naţiunile Unite
În data de 30 martie 2009 Fundaţia "Inter - Art" din Aiud, United Nations Staff Recreation Council, New York, Misiunea Permanenţa a României la...
Romanian gymnasts in US
Contemporary choreographers Daniel Ezralow, David Parsons and Moses Pendleton, in collaboration with Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, creators of the percussion/theater sensation "Stomp," have...
My School Years in Romania (VII)
The grades were between 1 and 10 with 10 being the best. 1 or 2 was given for cheating. 5 and above were passing...
My School Years in Romania (III)
The "General School" (Grades 1 through 8) Every school, at every level was state run. There were no private ones. There was no middle...
My School Years in Romania (II)
And there were no negligence lawsuits either. Nobody would ever dream of bringing a lawsuit against a school, a teacher, a colleague or the...
My School Years in Romania (I)
For those of you who are in school, have school age children, are teachers yourselves, or simply, would like to know more about Romania,...