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U.S. proposal to place anti-ballistic missile interceptors in the country

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: February 4, 2010 Filed at 11:38 a.m. ET BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Romania's top defense body on...

Pâinea noastră…

Pe parcursul celor peste 15 ani trecuţi de la Revoluţie am răspuns de nenumărate ori la întrebarea pusă de prieteni, vecini şi cunoscuţi despre...

I grew up in the 1950s

Some American friends invited us to a "1950's Sock Hop" in the Denver area and tonight we joined them for a trip down memory...

Fericirea se naşte

Poveste despre un copil abia venit pe lume O dimineaţă cu lumina ţesând culori minunate în ferestrele oamenilor este o zi care va rămâne mereu...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XI)

During that time, I had continued to work a few evenings a week at the T-shirt store. In addition to going to clean up...

The minutes are slow

America is called a "melting pot", a place where people from all over the world come here to build their lives, and build their...

Lidia Şimon merge la Atena

Vicecampioana olimpică de la maraton, Lidia Şimon, care actualmente locuieşte în Boulder, Colorado, şi-a asigurat prezenţa la Jocurile Olimpice de la Atena după ce...

Războiul din Iraq văzut de un soldat de origine română

* scurt interviu cu Mihai Pintilie, soldat în armata americană GdeC: Which is the most memorable experience you have had since your departure to...

My School Years in Romania (XIV)

So, I had to find myself a job and jobs for highschool graduates were not too great. Luckily, my mother knew somebody who had...

My School Years in Romania (IX)

Highschool In 8th grade or even sooner, some parents hired private tutors to rehearse their kids into exam taking. There was some exam at...