Acasă Etichete Student

Etichetă: student


Caîn cazul oricărui lucru complicat întâi a fost doar o idee, apoi un vis, planul şi într-un final a urmat punerea lui în aplicare....

My School Years in Romania (VII)

The grades were between 1 and 10 with 10 being the best. 1 or 2 was given for cheating. 5 and above were passing...

My School Years in Romania (VI)

Third grade (getting First Prize) You became a pioneer in third grade if you had good grades. It was vaguely political, we had...

My School Years in Romania (V)

Second Grade Of course, there were uniforms. There were uniforms from pre-school on to the last year of highschool. They were not voluntary. They...

My School Years in Romania (III)

The "General School" (Grades 1 through 8) Every school, at every level was state run. There were no private ones. There was no middle...

Romanian artists in Colorado

Horea Ignat took his first steps as a sculptor (wood-carver) in 1992 at "Ion Vlasiu"- High School in Târgu-Mures, Transylvania, Romania. During his school...

Acolo unde-s nalţi… zgârie nori

Are costum cu vestă. E la modă de vreo 2-3 ani în România. În mâna dreaptă are un hot-dog iar cu stânga bea...