Acasă Etichete Western

Etichetă: western

Q&A with Sheilah Kast & Jim Rosapepe

Authors of Dracula Is Dead. How Romanians Survived Communism, Ended It, and Emerged since 1989 as the New Italy How is Romania doing now,...

Trei români arestaţi în Florida pentru clonare de carduri bancare

Alexandru Dragomir, de 28 de ani, din Hallandale, FL, Iosif Rauca, 35 de ani şi Gabriel Mircea Staicu, 41 de ani, ambii din Boca...

Lucian Nanău căutat de FBI

Într-un comunicat primit astăzi de la Biroul Federal de Investigatii aceştia fac un apel către public pentru a-l găsi pe românul Lucian Nanău. În...

Romanian artist sculptured George W. Bush

GDC: I am sitting here with Michail Constantine, born in Bucharest, Romania who is a very famous artist with many collectors in the United...

May 10th in Romanian History

May 10th has a triple meaning for the long history of the Romanian people. On this day in 1866, Carol Hohenzollern-Siegmaringen came to Romania...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (II)

You could not find any seafood except perhaps, once in a while, some frozen variety from China or somewhere far. This happened while Romania...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (I)

This is my personal story about the events leading to my immigration to America and what followed. The reason I am writing this is...