Acasă Etichete Young

Etichetă: young

Lansarea proiectului “LINKED TO GREEN” în România

"LINKED TO GREEN" este un proiect al grupului YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CLUB (YPC), susţinut de Ambasada SUA la Bucureşti şi care îşi propune să realizeze...

Cultura americana pe scurt

Teatrul pentru copii si tineret GONG in Washington DC"Fata moşului şi fata babei" de Ion Creangă, in regia lui Dan Hândoreanu, s-a jucat la...

“Coada” de Dragoş Voicu

Apărut în anul 2009, roman premiat cu premiul pentru debut în proză al editurii Cartea Românească. Este un roman despre viaţa din comunism, văzută...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)

I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...

The Prophecy of the Stones By Flavia Bujor

Out of 4 stars, I would rate this book at a 2 ½. An interesting novel written by a thirteen year old that entwines...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (X)

Then I found a position at a larger practice, with several doctors. Actually, there were 4 doctors and I was hired as a 4th...

My School Years in Romania (XVI)

When I got into college, you had to study two languages. English was the primary language (the major) but there had to be another...

The Curse of Count Dracula

Tourists flock to Bran Castle, known locally as "Dracula's castle," though it has little to do with the 15th-century prince Vlad Tepes, who inspired...

My School Years in Romania (X)

After switching to the "human" branch, there was no more math for us. Instead, we had Latin. Our teacher was quite young, too, (a...

My School Years in Romania (VIII)

School usually started on or around September 15. We would then break in mid-December for 3 weeks. At that time, while in General School,...