The first edition of the Transatlantic Conference EMINESCU – POE


 The Union of Professional Journalists of Romania (U.Z.P.R.) has organized, at the initiative of the HESPERUS Cultural Foundation, the first edition of the Transatlantic Conference EMINESCU – POE.

    The event took place on Monday, June 14, at 6.00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. GMT), on ZOOM and was attended by personalities and journalists from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean: Father Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian (The Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality New York), Prof. Dr. Robert Tally Jr. (Texas State University), Adrian G. Sahlean, the renowned American translator of EMINESCU, who lives in the city in which POE was born, Boston), Prof. Dr. Ioan Iacob, TV Director Arthis, President of the HESPERUS Cultural Foundation, His Excellency Călin Humă, Honorary Consul of Romania in Winchester, UK.

     We will return to this transatlantic cultural event, which was moderated by Doru Dinu Glăvan, President of the Union of Professional Journalists in Romania, assisted by Prof. Daniela Gîfu and translator Zorin Diaconescu.

     We remind you that the Transatlantic Eminescu Poe Project was launched by the HESPERUS Cultural Foundation in January, 2019, at the MIHAIL SADOVEANU Metropolitan Library in Bucharest, this project being promoted by ‘ARCA TV’ (General Manager Lucian Blaga), ‘Mangalia News’ (General Manager prof. Traian Lupu), ‘North American Romanian Press Association’ / NARPA, President Marian Petruţa /, ‘Gândacul de Colorado‘ (Editor-in-Chief Lucian Oprea), ‘Occidentul Românesc’ (Editor-in-Chief Kassandra Năsăudean), New York Magazin (Editor-in-Chief Grigore Culian), etc.   

    In 2019, at that event, MAIA MORGENSTERN read from EMINESCU and POE.

     This time Prof. Tally Jr. has read the masterpiece of POE, ‘The Raven’, and Adrian G. Sahlean has offered a fragment of EMINESCU’s ‘GLOSSA’ (translated by him) performed by the American actor Jeremy Geidt.  

                         Prof. Dr. Rusalin Işfănoni,

  The HESPERUS Cultural Foundation General Secretary

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Ioan Iacob
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