The minutes are slow


America is called a “melting pot”, a place where people from all over the world come here to build their lives, and build their homes. In America, there are people from all different cultures: African-Americans, Italian-Americans, Irish-Ame­ri­cans etc. Different religious: Jews, Christians, Muslims.  But they all live in harmony and peace. Each group has its background, customs and values, which combine together are forming what we call “American culture”.
Part of the excitement of learning a new culture is the comparisons you make to your own culture. This will make me to think about my own values and traditions. I realized that in the USA the only thing people are interested today is money. Of course, money is important, but people’s mind, love, friendship are much more important. I like that men and women are equal here, they have the same rights, freedom in their decision, work capacity. Americans can be very blunt and honest and might appear rude to people from other cultures. Americans like their privacy and they like their space. They are more likely to do acti­vities alone and may not always want to be with a group. They like to joke, smile and talk. That makes me keep an open mind and a sense of humor.
This trip to the USA changed my mind a lot. I start value things, which I never pay attention before. I realized how important is to value your family. They take care about their environment.
After all these thoughs I can really say my life is complete and also I can scream as hard as I can: “I’m happy that I’m here!”